Class BaseJavaScriptInterop

Helper class that simplifies calling JavaScript functions in a WebView document. Helps with formatting calls using ExecuteScriptAsync() and properly formatting/encoding parameters.

Recommend that you subclass this object for your application and then implement wrapper methods around each interop call you make into the JavaScript document

Operations are applied to the BaseInvocationTarget which is the base object that operations are run on. This can be the window. or any globally accessibly object ie. window.textEditor..

You can use Invoke, Set, Get to access object properties, or you can use ExecuteScriptAsync to fire raw requests.

Parameterize helps with encoding parameters when calling methods and turning them into string parseable values using JSON.

public class BaseJavaScriptInterop : object

Class Members



Creates an instance of this interop object to call JavaScript functions in the loaded DOM document.


Calls a method on the TextEditor in JavaScript a single JSON encoded value or object. The receiving function should expect a JSON object and parse it.

public Task CallMethodWithJson(string method,     object parameter)


Calls a method on the TextEditor in JavaScript a single JSON encoded value or object. The receiving function should expect a JSON object and parse it.

public Task CallMethodWithJson(string method,     object parameter)


Helper method to deserialize json content

public static TResult DeserializeObject(string json)


Calls a method on the TextEditor in JavaScript a single JSON encoded value or object. The receiving function should expect a JSON object and parse it.

public Task ExecuteScriptAsync(string script)


Calls a method on the TextEditor in JavaScript a single JSON encoded value or object.

public Task ExecuteScriptAsyncWithResult(string script)


Gets a property from the window.textEditor object

public Task Get(string propertyName)


Calls a method with simple parameters: String, number, boolean This version returns no results.

public Task Invoke(string method,     Object[] parameters)


Calls a method with simple or no parameters: string, boolean, numbers

public Task Invoke(string method,     Object[] parameters)


Parameterizes a set of value parameters into string form that can be used in ExecuteScriptAsync() calls. Parameters are turned into a string using JSON values that are literal representations of values passed.

public string Parameterize(Object[] parameters)


Helper method that consistently serializes JavaScript with Camelcase

public static string SerializeObject(object data)


Sets a property on the editor by name

public Task Set(string propertyName,     object value)


A string that is used as the object for object invocation By default this is empty which effectively invokes objects in the root namespace (window.). This string should reflect a base that supports appending a method or property acces, meaning it usually will end in a . (except for root/empty) such as


WebBrowser instance that the interop object operates on


Namespace: Westwind.WebView.Wpf
Assembly: markdownmonster.exe

© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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