Internal File Utilities class
public static class mmFileUtils : object
Class Members
Member | Description | |
CopyDirectory |
Copies a directory, and its files. Creates the top level directory if it doesn't exist public static string CopyDirectory(string sourceDirectory, string targetDirectory, bool deleteFirst, bool recursive) public static string CopyDirectory(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target, bool deleteFirst, bool recursive) |
CopyFileOrFolder |
Uses the Window Shell UI to move files which behaves similar to Explorer behavior warning for errors and supports undo. public static bool CopyFileOrFolder(string sourceFolder, string targetFolder, bool confirmation) |
EnsureAssociations |
public static void EnsureAssociations(bool force, bool uninstall) |
EnsureBrowserEmulationEnabled |
Set Internet Explorer browser compatibility public static void EnsureBrowserEmulationEnabled(string exename, bool uninstall) |
EnsureSystemPath |
public static void EnsureSystemPath(bool uninstall) |
FileSizeToString |
Returns file size as string with size prefix (bytes, kb, mb) public static string FileSizeToString(long fileSize) |
FindGitClient |
Checks to see if public static string FindGitClient() |
FindGitDiffTool |
public static string FindGitDiffTool() |
FindImageEditor |
Tries to find an installed image editor on the system as a default. public static string FindImageEditor() |
FixupDocumentFilename |
Method checks for existance of full filename and tries to check for file in the initial startup folder. public static string FixupDocumentFilename(string file) |
GetChecksumFromFile |
Creates an MD5 checksum of a file public static string GetChecksumFromFile(string file) |
GetEditorSyntaxFromFileType |
Retrieves the editor syntax for a file based on extension for use in the editor public static string GetEditorSyntaxFromFileType(string filename) |
GetEncoding |
public static Encoding GetEncoding(string encodingName) |
GetEncodingList |
Returns a list of encoding display names for use in lists. public static List |
GetEncodingName |
Gets an encoding name from an Encoding instance public static string GetEncodingName(Encoding encoding) |
GetFileEncoding |
Retrieve the file encoding for a given file so we can capture and store the Encoding when writing the file back out after editing. public static Encoding GetFileEncoding(string srcFile) |
GetImageMediaTypeFromFilename |
Returns the image media type for a give file extension based on a filename or url passed in. public static string GetImageMediaTypeFromFilename(string file) |
IsImage |
Determines if a file is one of the common image extensions "jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "jpeg", "jp2", "apng", "tif", "tiff", "heif", "heic", "webp", "raw" public static bool IsImage(string selectedFullPath, String[] extraExtensions) |
MoveFileOrFolder |
Uses the Window Shell UI to move files which behaves similar to Explorer behavior warning for errors and supports undo. public static bool MoveFileOrFolder(string sourceFolder, string targetFolder, bool confirmation) |
MoveToRecycleBin |
Uses the Windows Shell API to delete files and put them into the recycle bin public static bool MoveToRecycleBin(string filename) |
NormalizeFilenameWithBasePath |
Normalizes a potentially relative pathname to a base path name if the exact filename doesn't exist by prepending the base path explicitly. public static string NormalizeFilenameWithBasePath(string file, string basePath) |
OpenBrowser |
Opens the user's default browser explicitly from shell association and passes the URL to the command line. This has more features (like # support) than shell Execute. public static void OpenBrowser(string url) |
OpenGitClient |
Opens the configured Git Client in the specified folder public static bool OpenGitClient(string folder) |
OpenImageInImageEditor |
Opens an image in the configured image editor public static bool OpenImageInImageEditor(string imageFileOrUrl) |
OpenImageInImageViewer |
Opens an image in the configured image viewer. If none is specified uses default image viewer public static bool OpenImageInImageViewer(string imageFile) |
OpenTerminal |
Opens the configured image editor. If command can't be executed the function returns false public static bool OpenTerminal(string folder) |
OpenTextFile |
Helper to use instead ReadAllText when using UI open operations. This dialog uses most permissive READ permissions and also captures errors and displays a MessageBox on failure. public static string OpenTextFile(string filename) |
OptimizeImage |
Optimizes an image. Runs asynchronous in the background and it's not fast so don't rely on the file results immediately. public static void OptimizeImage(string imageFilename,
int imageQuality,
Action |
OptimizePngImage |
Tries to optimize png images in the background This is not fast and does not happen right away so generally this can be applied when images are saved. public static void OptimizePngImage(string pngFilename, int level) |
ReadAllTextAsync |
Asynchronously reads files public static Task |
SHFileOperation |
public static int SHFileOperation(ref SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp) |
ShowExternalBrowser |
Shows external browser that's been configured in the MM Configuration. Defaults to Chrome public static void ShowExternalBrowser(string url) |
ShowOpenWithDialog |
Displays the Windows Open With dialog with options. public static void ShowOpenWithDialog(string path) |
TryConvertToInt32 |
Safely converts a double to an integer public static int TryConvertToInt32(double value, int failValue) |
WriteAllTextAsync |
Writes out text file content asynchronously public static Task WriteAllTextAsync(string filename, string text, Encoding encoding) |
Utf8EncodingWithoutBom |
Reusable UTF-8 Encoding that doesn't have a BOM as the .NET default Encoding.Utf8 has. |
Namespace: MarkdownMonsterAssembly: markdownmonster.exe
© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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