Helper to encode and set HTML fragment to clipboard.
public static class ClipboardHelper : object
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Arthur Teplitzki.
Class Members
Member | Description | |
EndFragment |
html comment to point the end of html fragment | |
StartFragment |
html comment to point the beginning of html fragment | |
ContainsImage |
Safe way to retrieve whether clipboard contains an image public static bool ContainsImage() |
ContainsText |
Safe way to retrieve whether clipboard contains an image public static bool ContainsText() |
CopyHtmlToClipboard |
Clears clipboard and sets the given HTML and plain text fragment to the clipboard, providing additional meta-information for HTML. See MarkdownMonster.ClipboardHelper.CreateDataObject(System.String,System.String) for HTML fragment details. public static bool CopyHtmlToClipboard(string html, string plainText, bool showStatusError) |
CreateDataObject |
Create System.Windows.DataObject with given html and plain-text ready to be used for clipboard or drag and drop. Handle missing ]]> tags, specified startend segments and Unicode characters. public static DataObject CreateDataObject(string html, string plainText) |
GetHtmlFromClipboard |
Returns the raw HTML of HTML content on the clipboard. Unlike GetText() this method returns the rendered HTML rather than the innerText of the HTML content. public static string GetHtmlFromClipboard() |
GetImage |
Returns an image from the clipboard and capture exception public static Bitmap GetImage() |
GetImageSource |
Returns an image source from the clipboard if available public static ImageSource GetImageSource() |
GetText |
Retrieves text from the clipboard and retries public static string GetText() |
SetText |
Safely sets the clipboard and optionally displays a status error message public static bool SetText(string text, bool showStatusError) |
Namespace: MarkdownMonsterAssembly: markdownmonster.exe
See also:
MarkdownMonster.ClipboardHelper.CreateDataObject(System.String,System.String)© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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