Application level configuration for Markdown Monster
public class ApplicationConfiguration : AppConfiguration, INotifyPropertyChanged
Class Members
Member | Description | |
Constructor |
PropertyChanged |
AddRecentFile |
public void AddRecentFile(string filename) |
Backup |
Backs up configuration data to a backup file in the CommonFolder. Filename includes backup date and time public string Backup() |
CleanupRecentFilesAndFolders |
Removes missing files and folders from the recent lists public void CleanupRecentFilesAndFolders() |
OnPropertyChanged |
public virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) |
Reset |
Resets configuration settings by deleting the configuration file and then exits the application. public void Reset(bool noExit, bool restart) |
Write |
public virtual bool Write() public void Write(string filename) |
WriteAsString |
public virtual string WriteAsString() |
AlwaysUsePreviewRefresh |
Determines whether the Preview browser always does a full refresh when the preview is updated. Normally MM tries to update just the document content. Use this setting if you are rendering custom content that includes script tags that need to execute in the page in the rendered content. | |
ApplicationTheme |
Dark or Light overall application theme selection for Markdown Monster | |
ApplicationUpdates |
Configuration object that olds info about how applications are updated | |
AutoSaveBackups |
If non-zero creates a backup in the number of minutes specified. 0 turns this feature off. | |
AutoSaveDocuments |
Determines whether documents are automatically saved whenever changes are made. | |
CommonFolder |
Common folder where configuration files are stored. Can be moved to an alternate location to allow sharing. | |
DefaultCodeSyntax |
Default code syntax displayed in the Paste Code dialog | |
DisableAddins |
Disables all addins from loading | |
DisableSplashScreen |
Starts up the application without showing the Splash screen. | |
DistractionFreeModeHideOptions |
String that holds a comma delimited list of values: | |
Editor |
Editor Configuration Sub-Settings | |
EditorExtensionMappings |
Editor to editor syntax mappings that maps file extensions to specific Ace Editor syntax formats. If a file with the given extension is opened it uses the specified syntax highlighting in the editor. | |
EditorTheme |
The theme used for the editor. Can be any of the available AceEditor themes which include twilight, vscodedark, vscodelight, visualstudio, github, monokai etc. Themes available based on files in: | |
Experimental |
FolderBrowser |
Configuration Setting for the Folder Browser | |
Git |
Configuration Settings for Git Integration | |
Images |
IsDocumentOutlineVisible |
Determines if the Document Outline sidebar is visible. | |
IsPreviewVisible |
Determines whether the preview browser is visible | |
LastFolder |
Last folder used when opening a document | |
LastLinkExternal |
Remembers last Is link External setting when embedding links | |
LastLinkFolder |
Remember the last folder used for linking a file in the the editor. | |
LastUseReferenceLinks |
Determines whether links are embedded as reference links at the bottom of the current document rather than explicit links | |
Markdown |
MaxDocumentOutlineLevel |
Maximum outline level that is rendered based on H1,H2,H3 etc. tags. Default is 4. | |
OpenDocuments |
A collection of the open Markdown documents. | |
OpenFolderCommand |
Command Processing for OpenFolder | |
OpenInPresentationMode |
If set this property controls whether the editor is opened in presentation mode which shows only the preview pane with the editor collapsed. | |
PdfOutputWindow |
PreviewHttpLinksExternal |
If set to true causes Http links in the Previewer to be opened in the default system Web Browser | |
PreviewMode |
Determines whether the internal or external window previewer are used | |
PreviewSyncMode |
Preview Sync Mode specifies how the editor and preview pane are kept in sync as you scroll the editor or the preview pane. | |
PreviewTheme |
Themes used to render the Preview. Preview themes are located in the following folder: | |
RecentDocuments |
List of recently opened files. Files opened and selected are added to the beginning of the list. | |
RecentDocumentsLength |
Determines how many items to display in the recent documents list | |
RememberLastDocumentsLength |
Determines how many of the last documents that were open are reopened next time you start Markdown Monster | |
ShowVersionNumberInTitle |
Determines whether MM shows the version number in the title of the main window. | |
StatusMessageTimeout |
Timeout used on Statusbar messages | |
System |
TerminalCommand |
Command Processing Executable to bring up a terminal window using a command and arguments. Examples (Windows Terminal, PowerShell, Command): wt.exe -d "{0}" powershell.exe -NoExit -Command "& cd '{0}'" cmd.exe /k "cd {0}" | |
TerminalCommandArgs |
Terminal executable arguments to pass to bring up terminal in a specific folder. {0} represents folder name. | |
TitlebarDisplay |
Determines how the filename is displayed in the window title bar. | |
UseSingleWindow |
Determines whether Markdown Monster runs as a Singleton application where documents are always opened in the same single Markdown Monster instance. | |
WebBrowserPreviewExecutable |
Web Browser Preview Executable - use this to force a specific Web browser for Web links, since Windows often breaks default browser associations. This forces a specific browser. Also allows navigation of #hash links. |
WebBrowserSearchEngine |
Specifies which search engine is popped up for interactive searches spawned from MM. | |
WebServer |
WindowPosition |
Hold last window position |
Namespace: MarkdownMonsterAssembly: markdownmonster.exe
© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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