This topic tree describes the MarkdownMonster namespace.
Type | Description |
AcePosition | |
App | Interaction logic for App.xaml |
AppCommands | |
ApplicationConfiguration | Application level configuration for Markdown Monster |
ApplicationConstants | |
ApplicationUpdater | Checks for new versions and allows downloading of the latest version and installation. |
ApplicationUpdatesConfiguration | Configuration item for Application Updates which are attached to the main Configuration |
ApplicationUrls | Urls that are associated with the application |
AppModel | Global App model for the application. Holds references to top level components like the Window, configuration and more as well as includes a number of helper functions. Available to Addins as `this.Model`. |
BugReport | Message class that holds information about a bug report for logging and telemetry reporting |
ClipboardHelper | Helper to encode and set HTML fragment to clipboard. See MarkdownMonster.ClipboardHelper.CreateDataObject(System.String,System.String). |
CommandBase | Base Command class to allow handling of commands generically |
DropDownButtonBehavior | |
EditorStyle | |
GitCommands | |
HtmlToPdfGeneration | wrapper around the WkPdfToHtml Engine |
KnownFolders | containing methods to retrieve specific file system paths. |
LinkReferenceResult | |
MainAppCommandLineProcessor | This class has handles the 'console' like command line operations for Markdown Monster. |
MainWindow | Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml |
MarkdownConfiguration | Configuration contained class that holds Markdown options applied as available to the Markdown Parser (mostly to default MarkDig parser) |
MarkdownDocument | that wraps the Active Markdown document used in the editor. [ComVisible] is important as we access this from JavaScript |
MarkdownDocumentEditor | Wrapper around the Editor WebBrowser Control and the embedded Ace Editor instance that is contained within it. This class manages creation of the WebBrowser instance and handles configuration and event firing. It also provides event interfaces for AceEditor callbacks and methods to affect the behavior of the AceEditor instance using the low level AceEditor property. |
MarkdownEditorSimple | A stripped down version of the MarkdownEditor class that is used for displaying various editable code snippets for the Code Editor as well as in various addins. Similar behavior and hookup, but doesn't include all the Markdown parsing features and uses a separate template that is simpler and less resource intensive. If you need to use a code editor as part of an Addin this is the class to use. For a usage example, see the PasteCode.xaml form |
MarkdownEditorSimpleInterop | |
MarkdownMonsterProject | Project file format that can load and save a bunch of files as a group of files. |
MarkdownMonsterTabalazControl | |
MarkdownParserBase | Base class that includes various fix up methods for custom parsing that can be called by the specific implementations. |
MarkdownParserDocFxMarkdig | Wrapper around the CommonMark.NET parser that provides a cached instance of the Markdown parser. Hooks up custom processing. |
MarkdownParserFactory | Retrieves an instance of a markdown parser |
MarkdownParserMarkdig | Wrapper around the CommonMark.NET parser that provides a cached instance of the Markdown parser. Hooks up custom processing. |
MarkdownSymbolsConfiguration | Markdown Symbols to use for certain text expansions. |
MarkdownUtilities | Contains a few static utilities for Markdown handling |
MarkupMarkdownResult | |
mmApp | Application class for Markdown Monster that provides a global static placeholder for configuration and some utility functions |
mmFileUtils | Internal File Utilities class |
MostRecentlyUsedList | |
NamedPipeManager | A very simple Named Pipe Server implementation that makes it easy to pass string messages between two applications. |
OpenFileDocument | |
OpenWindows | |
PdfPageMargins | |
PreviewSyncModeItem | |
RecentDocumentListItem | |
SelectionRange | |
SpeechCommands | |
Telemetry | Holds telemetry information sent to server for telemetry reports. Used only for custom telemetry not AppInsights. |
UserControl1 | Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml |
VersionInfo | Version info class used to |
Window1 | Interaction logic for Window1.xaml |
WindowPositionConfiguration | Holds the current Window position and splitter settings |
ApplicationErrorModes | |
EditorSplitModes | |
GitCommitBehaviors | |
KnownFolder | Standard folders registered with the system. These folders are installed with Windows Vista and later operating systems, and a computer will have only folders appropriate to it installed. |
LogLevels | |
MarkdownStyles | |
PdfPageOrientation | |
PdfPageSizes | |
PreviewModes | |
PreviewSyncMode | |
PreviewWindowDisplayModes | |
RecentFileDropdownModes | |
Themes | Supported themes (not used any more) |
TitlebarDisplayModes | |
IMarkdownParser |
© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2023 • Updated: 11/23/21
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