WPF Helpers for MM
public class WindowUtilities : object
Class Members
Member | Description | |
Constructor |
ActivateWindow |
Activates a WPF window even if the window is activated on a separate thread public static void ActivateWindow(Window window) |
AttachThreadInput |
public static bool AttachThreadInput(UInt32 idAttach, UInt32 idAttachTo, bool fAttach) |
BitmapSourceToBitmap |
Converts a bitmap source to a bitmap Make sure to dispose the bitmap public static Bitmap BitmapSourceToBitmap(BitmapSource source) |
BitmapToBitmapSource |
public static BitmapSource BitmapToBitmapSource(Bitmap bmp) |
BrushToColor |
Converts a WPF Color Brush to a System.Drawing Color Often needed for interop public static Color BrushToColor(Brush brush) |
CenterWindow |
Centers a WPF window on the screen. Considers DPI settings public static void CenterWindow(Window window) |
DoEvents |
Idle loop to let events fire in the UI public static void DoEvents(Dispatcher dispatcher, DispatcherPriority priority) |
EnsureWindowIsVisible |
Ensures that the window rendered is visible and fitting on the currently active screen. public static void EnsureWindowIsVisible(Window window) |
FindAnchestor |
Finds a type of element in the parent chain of an element public static T FindAnchestor |
FindVisualChild |
Finds a particular type of control in the children of a top level control public static T FindVisualChild |
FixFocus |
Forces lost focus on the active control in a Window to force the selected control to databind. Typical scenario: Toolbar clicks (which don't cause a focus change) don't see latest control state of the active control because it doesn't know focus has changed. This forces the active control to unbind public static void FixFocus(Window window, Control control) |
GetDpi |
public static UInt32 GetDpi(IntPtr hwnd, DpiType dpiType) public static UInt32 GetDpi(Point point, DpiType dpiType) public static UInt32 GetDpi(Window window, DpiType dpiType) |
GetDpiRatio |
public static decimal GetDpiRatio(Window window) public static decimal GetDpiRatio(IntPtr hwnd) |
GetForegroundWindow |
public static IntPtr GetForegroundWindow() |
GetNestedTreeviewItem |
Retrieves a nested TreeViewItem by walking the hierarchy. Specify a root treeview or treeviewitem and it then walks the hierarchy to find the item public static TreeViewItem GetNestedTreeviewItem(object item, ItemsControl treeItem) |
GetScreenDimensions |
Returns the active screen's size in pixels public static Rectangle GetScreenDimensions(Window window) |
GetWindowThreadProcessId |
public static UInt32 GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr ProcessId) |
InvalidateMenuCommands |
Invalidates a menu control and all of its subitems by checking Command.IsEnabled property if a command exists public static void InvalidateMenuCommands(Menu menu) |
InvalidateSubmenuCommands |
public static void InvalidateSubmenuCommands(MenuItem menuItem) |
IsDispatcherDisabled |
Check to see if the Dispatcher is currently not active which can happen internally in WPF rendering and cause unexpected exceptions. Check for those edge cases public static bool IsDispatcherDisabled(Dispatcher dispatcher) |
MakeWindowCompletelyTransparent |
Call this to make a window completely click through including all controls on it. public static void MakeWindowCompletelyTransparent(IntPtr hwnd) |
SetForegroundWindow |
Force Window to the foreground. This seems to be the only reliable way to get MM to become UI active from within MM when activated externally. public static IntPtr SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd) |
SetPerMonitorDpiAwareness |
IMPORTANT: This only works if this is called in the immediate startup code of the application. For WPF this means static App() { } .public static bool SetPerMonitorDpiAwareness(ProcessDpiAwareness type) |
WindowToHwnd |
Returns IntPtr for an HWND from WPF Window object public static IntPtr WindowToHwnd(Window window) |
Namespace: MarkdownMonster.WindowsAssembly: markdownmonster.exe
© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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