This topic tree describes the MarkdownMonster.Windows namespace.
Type | Description |
About | Interaction logic for About.xaml |
AddinManagerWindow | Interaction logic for AddinManagerWindow.xaml |
BooleanToCollapsedVisibilityConverter | BUILT INTO WPF Converter used to bind a boolean to Visibility |
BooleanToFontWeightConverter | |
BrowserDialog | Interaction logic for BrowserDialog.xaml |
BrowserMessageBox | A generic Browser based message box with generic buttons that can be customized and added to display custom messages. |
ColumnInfo | |
DebounceDispatcher | Provides Debounce() and Throttle() methods. Use these methods to ensure that events aren't handled too frequently. Throttle() ensures that events are throttled by the interval specified. Only the last event in the interval sequence of events fires. Debounce() fires an event only after the specified interval has passed in which no other pending event has fired. Only the last event in the sequence is fired. More info: |
DispatcherExtensions | Extension methods for the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher object that provides an easy way for delayed execution of code. |
DocumentOutlineSidebarControl | Interaction logic for DocumentOutlineSidebarControl.xaml |
EditorAndPreviewPane | Interaction logic for FolderBrowerSidebar.xaml |
EditorWebViewDotnetInterop | that is called **from browser JavaScript** to interact with the Markdown Monster UI/Editor |
EditorWebViewJavaScriptInterop | This class is used to call into the JavaScript document and perform operations there. Note there's no inheritance/Composition as this interface requires Async operation, while the COM interface for WebBrowser control requires sync operation. |
EmojiWindow | Interaction logic for EmojiWindow.xaml |
EmptyStringToBooleanConverter | |
FavoritesControl | Interaction logic for Favorites.xaml |
FavoritesIconConverter | |
FavoritesMissingBackgroundConverter | |
FavoritesMissingTextConverter | |
FavoritesTitleConverter | |
FileIconFromPathConverter | |
FileNameFromPathConverter | |
FilePasswordDialog | Interaction logic for FilePasswordDialog.xaml |
FileSearchControl | Interaction logic for FileSearchControl.xaml |
FolderBrowerSidebar | Interaction logic for FolderBrowerSidebar.xaml |
FolderNameFromPathConverter | |
FolderStructure | |
FullFolderNameFromPathConverter | |
GeneratePdfWindow | Interaction logic for GeneratePdfWindow.xaml |
GitCommitDialog | Interaction logic for GitCommitDialog.xaml |
GitCommitModel | |
GitRepositoryWindow | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
GridLengthHelper | |
InputBox | |
InputBoxForm | Interaction logic for RegistrationForm.xaml |
InvertedBooleanConverter | Value Converter used to the reverse boolean value of a property (ie. !value) |
ItemSourceCountFilterConverter | |
MainWindowLayoutModel | that manages the display of the center panel of panes in the Main Window |
NotEmptyStringToBooleanConverter | |
OpenFromUrlDialog | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
PasteCode | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
PasteHref | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
PasteImageWindow | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
PathItem | Represents a file or folder in the Folder Browser side panel control. |
PreviewBrowserWindow | Interaction logic for PreviewBrowserWindow.xaml |
RegisterDialog | Interaction logic for RegisterDialog.xaml |
RegistrationForm | Interaction logic for RegistrationForm.xaml |
ShortFileNameDisplayConverter | |
SourceControlIcons | |
StatusBarHelper | A Status bar helper class that provides methods like ShowStatusSuccess, ShowStatusError, ShowStatusWarning to display messages on an existing status bar. This helper maps statusbar text and icon controls and sets their properties deterministically. For icons this helper uses the `Wpf.FontAwesome` library which is a dependency |
StringComparisonInvertedToBooleanConverter | |
StringComparisonToBooleanConverter | |
TableData | |
TableEditorContextMenu | |
TableEditorCsvImport | Interaction logic for TableEditorCsvImport.xaml |
TableEditorHtml | Interaction logic for PasteHref.xaml |
TableEditorJavaScriptInterop | Handles both calls **into JavaScript** and **callbacks coming back from JavaScript** |
TableEditorJsonImport | Interaction logic for TableEditorJsonImport.xaml |
TableEditorWebViewHandler | |
TableLocation | |
TableParserHtml | |
ToUpperCaseConverter | |
TreeViewMouseSelection | |
UriToCachedImageConverter | Caches bitmap sources loaded from files from disk or Url and reuses them. Use for repeated items like treeviews lists icons. |
ValueConverterGroup | Allows binding multiple ValueConverters as a group |
WebViewEditorHandler | |
WindowPosition | |
WindowsNotifications | Shows a Windows Notification on the Taskbar |
WindowUtilities | WPF Helpers for MM |
EmojiWebViewHandler | |
EmojiWebViewInterop | |
PasteYouTubeModel | |
PasteYouTubeWindow | Interaction logic for PasteYouTubeWindow.xaml |
ColumnJustifications | |
DpiType | |
FolderFileOrder | |
GitCommitFormModes | |
GitRepositoryWindowMode | |
MarkdownTableType | |
ProcessDpiAwareness | |
TableEditorBrowserModes | |
TablePasteModes |
© West Wind Technologies, 2016-2024 • Updated: 11/23/21
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