Command Line Operations

In addition to opening files and folders from the command line you can also perform a few operational tasks using Markdown Monster's Command Line Interface.

There are three sets of commands:

  • Editor UI commands using mm.exe or markdownmonster.exe
  • Operational CLI Commands using mmcli.exe

Available on the Windows Path

All markdownmonster, mm and mmcli are all available on the Windows Path by default, as they have been added to the User path during installation or 1st startup.

Launching Markdown Monster from WSL

You can also launch Markdown Monster from Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) by using the full executable names: mm.exe, markdownmonster.exe or mmcli.exe. For example, to open from a local WSL folder use: mm.exe Note that unlike on Windows the .exe extension is required.

Editor UI Commands - mm.exe

The following commands are command line switches that affect the behavior and startup of Markdown Monster's UI. They are fired using either mm.exe or markdownmonster.exe which can be used interchangeably.

Command/Arguments Function
-line Line number when opening a document
mm .\ -line 100
Tip: you can also use c:\temp\ to specify a line number
-presentation Flag that starts Markdown Monster in Presentation Mode
mm -presentation
-newwindow Flag that forces a new Window to be opened regardless of the SingleInstance configuration Setting
mm .\ -newwindow
-nosplash When specified won't show the splash screen.
mm -nosplash
-delay When specified loads Markdown Monster with a delay. Used for updates.
mm -delay
Closes a file that is open in the editor if found
mm -close "c:\temp\"
When set forces the document(s) opened from the command line to auto-save after any typing operation. mm "c:\temp\" -autosave
-stdin Read content from StdIn using pipe command. Opens a new 'untitled' document.
DIR | markdownmonster -stdin
Opens a new 'untitled' document with the base 64 decoded text inside of it.
mm -base64text VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qgc3RyaW5nIG9mIHRleHQu
-startwebserver Starts the MM internal Web Server for various remote operations
mm -startwebserver
-stopwebserver Stops the MM internal Web Server
mm -stopwebserver
-runtimeinstall Checks to see if the .NET Desktop Runtime is installed and if not offers to install it.
mm -runtimeinstall


This parameter allows you to open a file on a given line. The -line parameter is only applied to the first file.

Alternately you can also use the new syntax of where the line number is directly appended to the filename via :lineNo. You can apply this syntax to multiple files.

-presentation Mode

If you want to start Markdown Monster in presentation mode that shows the preview as a maximized view, use the -presentation switch. This view doesn't show the editor initially although you switch into regular editing mode. You can use this switch in addition to optional files you want to open.

mm .\ -presentationmode or mm -presentationmode


This flag forces a new Markdown Monster window to be opened with the selected file(s) or folder to be opened, rather than opening the document in the current instance. This setting forces a new window even if the SingleInstance configuration setting is set to true. This is used internally for Open in New Window, but useful anytime when you want to open side by side windows. You can use this switch

mm .\ -newwindow or mm -nosplash


When specified causes the startup splash screen to not be displayed. Same as the DisableSplashScreen configuration switch, except it's a one time operation that applies only to the current launch operation.

mm .\ -nosplash or mm -nosplash


Delays loading Markdown Monster during startup. Used internally when Markdown Monster is restarted for theme updates and other settings that require a restart. Delay is approximately 1.5 seconds.

mm .\ -delay


If this switch is specified when passing in one or more filenames for opening, the files are opened in auto-save mode, which means any changes are written to disk whenever the user stops typing for a brief moment. This can be useful for external applications that want to use Markdown Monster for editing and detect changes in the editor immediately.

mm .\ -autosave

-close Filename Command

This option allows you to close an already open file in the editor. If you have multiple tabs open the tab is closed and if the last tab is closed Markdown Monster is shut down. This can be useful for external applications that might want to open Markdown Monster for external Markdown editing, capture output saved to disk perhaps with the -autosave switch, and then close the opened editor window.

mm .\ -close


This option allows you to capture StdIn input from another application and open the captured text in Markdown Monster as a new document. For this to work you can pipe the content of another console application into Markdown Monster using the Windows Pipe Command.

Example 2:

DIR | markdownmonster -stdin


This option creates a new, 'Untitled' document and sets the initial text to -base64text.

mm -base64text IyBIZWxsbyBXb3JsZAoKSXQncyBhICoqY3J1ZWwsIGNydWVsKiogd29ybGQu

-startwebserver / -stopwebserver

These commands allow you to start and stop the MM internal Web server which can be used to remotely open and access documents.

mm -startwebserver

mm -stopwebserver


Checks to see if the .NET Desktop Runtime required to run Markdown Monster is installed on the machine. If it isn't you are prompted to download it and install it. Optionally use -silent switch to avoid prompts and 'just do it'.

mm -runtimeinstall

CLI Commands - mmcli.exe

The following commands use a separate mmcli.exe to perform a number of useful automated operations using Markdown Monster's functionality.

Command Function
version Displays Markdown Monster Version.
mmcli version
reset Resets Markdown Monster to its default settings.
mmcli reset
errors Display the Markdown Monster Error Log in the default text editor.
mmcli errors
clear-errors Clears the Markdown Monster Error Log.
mmcli clear-errors
uninstall Removes all Markdown Monster machine settings. Run after you've shut down all Markdown Monster instances.
mmcli uninstall
install-webview Runs the WebView control installer that installs the WebView runtime required to run Markdown Monster
cleanup-webview Removes the WebView Environment Folder created when Markdown Monster runs. This folder holds the separate, application specific browser environment settings while running Markdown Monster.
setportable Sets portable mode where settings are stored in the install folder
mmcli setportable
unsetportable Sets back to desktop mode with config settings to %appdata.
mmcli unsetportable
enable-windows-longpaths Enables Windows Long Path support. This is a global Windows setting that affects all applications (requires elevated rights).
mmcli enable-windows-longpaths
mmcli disable-windows-longpaths
register Registers Markdown Monster installation.
mmcli register licenseSerial registerEmail
markdowntohtml Converts Markdown documents to HTML.
mmcli markdowntohtml -i "c:\temp\" -o "c:\temp\doc.html" --theme Dharkan --rendermode packagedhtml
htmltomarkdown Converts an HTML document to Markdown.
mmcli htmltomarkdown -i "c:\temp\doc.html" -o "c:\temp\" -open
markdowntopdf Converts a Markdown document to a PDF file.
mmcli markdowntopdf -i "c:\temp\" -o "c:\temp\doc.pdf" --theme Github --page-size A4


Displays the Markdown Monster version in the console window.

mmcli version


The reset operation resets all of Markdown Monster's settings back to its defaults by creating a new MarkdownMonster.json file. The reset command also creates a backup file in the same folder that you can compare against.

mmcli reset


The uninstall option removes all the machine specific settings from the registry so you end up with a clean machine. This command is primarily intended for portable installs, which although it runs portably in a self-contained folder (if permissions allow), will write a few things like file associations and pathing into the registry. The uninstall command removes only those settings.

Uninstall does not remove any files or folders. If you are running a machine wide installation settings are stored in %appdata%\Markdown Monster and if you are sure you want to completely remove Markdown Monster you can delete this folder manually - the uninstall will not touch this folder.

mmcli uninstall

Full Version Uninstall: Use the full Uninstaller

If you installed the full version of Markdown Monster using the Installer it's recommended you run the full Uninstall through Programs and Features or by running the Uninstall.exe in the install folder.

The full uninstall removes the same settings as the uninstall switch but also removes files, folders and the shortcuts it created.


Markdown Monster relies on the Chromium WebView2 control in order to run. The installation automatically installs the WebView if it's not found. If for some reason the WebView gets uninstalled after installation you can run this command to get the WebView2 Runtime reinstalled.


Markdown Monster creates its own private WebView environment that's separate from the machine global WebView profile, so there's no overlap of settings. MM only browses local content with the WebView, but nevertheless the browsing environment is completely separate from the system profile. This command removes the stored, cross- session browser environment.

setportable / unsetportable

These two settings toggle between portable and full desktop install. The primary differences between a portable install and a full install is the location of the settings folder. The portable install tries to create a .\PortableSettings folder in the install directory and keep all settings local to that install. A portable install can be installed simply by copying files from a zip file.

However, in order for a portable install to work you have to make sure you use a folder that has write permissions to allow configuration settings to be updated in this folder.

setportable allows you to switch a full install into portable mode by creating a _IsPortable file and creating the local .\PortableSettings folder if permissions allow. If permissions fail, MM will use the standard %appdata%\Markdown Monster location the full install uses.

unsetportable simply removes the _IsPortable file which makes Markdown Monster use the default %appdata%\Markdown Monster folder for all settings and addins.


This option lets you register Markdown Monster via the command line.

To register you need to provide the License Serial number and the email address that was used when purchasing a license (you can find the email on your order confirmation).

mmcli register <licenseSerial> <email>


This allows you convert a markdown document to HTML using the following syntax:

mmcli markdowntohtml -i "<markdownFile>" -o "<htmlFile>"
      --rendermode [html|fragment|packagedhtml|zip]
      --theme [<anyAvailableTheme>]

You pass the input markdown and output HTML file to generate. If you skip either of these you'll be prompted. The --open parameter opens the document in Markdown Monster via mm "<htmlfile>" .

The renderMode is one of the following:

  • html - Html document with Preview Theme wrapper document (default)
  • fragment - Just the raw Html fragment without a wrapping PreviewTheme document
  • packagedhtml - single, large HTML document with all dependencies embedded as inline resources
  • htmlfiles - Html document with dependencies in the output file folder
  • zip - Html document and dependencies packaged into a Zip file

Note that all options except fragment render a complete HTML document using the current PreviewTheme configured, unless you override the --theme parameter where you can specify any of the installed themes.

The -open flag if present opens the document in the browser after completion.


This allows you to convert HTML documents to Markdown using the same mechanism as Paste Html in the Markdown Monster editor view. The command line for this looks like this:

mmcli htmltomarkdown -i "<inputHtmlFile>" -o "<outputMarkdownFile>" -open

You pass an HTML file as input and a Markdown document as output. If files aren't provided MM prompts for file names. The -open flag opens the Markdown document in Markdown Monster after generation.


This option allows you to print a Markdown document into a PDF file.

mmcli markdowntopdf -i "<inputMarkdownFile>" -o "outputPdfFile" -open
      --theme [<anyAvailableTheme>]  
      --orientation [Portrait|Landscape]
      --page-size [Letter|Legal|A4|B4]

See also

Open Files from the Command Line

© West Wind Technologies, 2025 • updated: 2025-02-24
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