Editor Extension Mapping
Markdown Monster supports a number of different editor syntax formats, and you can edit documents in any of these formats. Many default file formats like - .js
, .html
, .css
, .ts
, .cs
, .json
etc. - are supported out of the box.
Adding Custom Extensions
The extensions are mapped in the EditorExtensionMappings
settings inside of the configuration file at:
%appdata%\Markdown Monster\MarkdownMonster.json
Editor extensions are stored as key value pairs with the extension as the key, and the editor format as the value:
To access this file use Tools → Settings → Edit Json → EditorExtensionMappings. To add a custom extension, simply add another key and value:
"EditorExtensionMappings": {
"myext": "markdown",
"md": "markdown",
"markdown": "markdown",
"mdcrypt": "markdown",
which specifies I want files with a .myext
extension mapped to edit with markdown
syntax in the editor.
The format or value in the map above refers to an ACE editor syntax found in the editor\scripts\Ace\mode-*.js
folder. Any of the modes listed there can be mapped to a custom extension.