DocFx Support

Markdown Monster supports a subset of DocFx functionality for previewing, so that the preview reflects some of the features available in DocFx documents.

  • TIP, WARNING, NOTE, IMPORTANT box display support
  • File and Code includes ([!include] and [!code-csharp])
  • Minimal xref support

There are two separate implementations:

  • DocFx Render Extension (enabled in Settings)
  • Official Microsoft DocFx Parser (enabled via Markdown Parser dropdown on status bar)

The DocFx Markdown Render Extension

This implementation uses a Markdown Monster specific Render Extension that implements the supported DocFx features using a custom implementation of DocFx features. This is a more lightweight implementation that works directly with Markdown Monsters Markdown pipeline. This extension can happily co-exist with non-DocFx Markdown content with all MM features available.

To enable this feature:

  • Go to Tools->Settings
  • Type DocFx into the search box
  • Check the Parse DocFx checkbox

The Official Microsoft DocFx Markdown Parser

This implementation uses the official Microsoft DocFx Markdown Parser extensions for MarkDig (which is the same parser the MM uses) to render DocFx content. This implementation creates a custom Markdown Monster parser implementation that defers core rendering to the DocFx parser.

To enable this feature:

  • Go to Status Bar
  • Find the the Markdown Parser Dropdown (MarkDig or DocFx)
  • Set to DocFx

Although this is the official solution from Microsoft it's not directly geared towards rendering single documents as it's meant for generating entire sites of content, so not all features work in the context of previews. It also doesn't respect some of the Markdown Monster Markdown and document options so it should be used exclusively for DocFx content.

When the DocFx Markdown Parser is enabled, it overrides the Parse DocFx Render Extension setting.

Supported Features

Include Content Files

DocFx supports loading nested content from externally stored files using the following syntax:


You can also specify files as relative paths:


or as 'site' relative paths (both work the same):


Root Folder Resolution for ~/ and /

Site Relative Paths are determined using the active documents WebRootPreviewPath which is set based on the document location and probing for specific files or settings in a project. Please see this topic on how the root path is resolved for ~/ and /. For DocFx typically this is the docfx.json in the DocFx project's root folder.

Include Code Files

Likewise you can also inject code files with specific syntax:



DocFx supports a number of special display boxes that let you highlight text and notes:

You can use the following syntax:

<div class="WARNING">

This is some Note Text  
that spreads across two lines


<div class="NOTE">

Singe line note.


A block of text between note boxes.

<div class="TIP">

Tipping my hat to the clown


<div class="IMPORTANT">

Don't forget to screw on your hat!


© West Wind Technologies, 2025 • updated: 2025-02-23
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