Addin Lifecycle Event Handlers
When you create a Markdown Monster add-in you effectively have access to all of Markdown Monster's feature set. Not all the functionality is easily accessible, but a number of common features are surfaced on the MarkdownMonsterAddin base class that your Addin is inheriting from.
- Add-in Events
- Add-in Common Feature Methods
LifeTime Events
- OnApplicationStart()
- OnApplicationInitialized()
- OnWindowLoaded()
- OnApplicationShutdown()
Installation Events
- OnInstalled()
- OnUninstalled()
Document Related Events
In addition to the main Execute events, the add-in exposes a number of document related events that you can intercept as well:
- OnBeforeOpenDocument()
- OnAfterOpenDocument()
- OnBeforeSaveDocument()
- OnAfterSaveDocument()
- OnSaveImage()
- OnNotifyAddin()
- OnEditorCommand()
- OnDocumentActivated()
Previewer Handling
- OnModifyPreviewHtml()
- OnPreviewLinkNavigation()
You can override these events to hook the specific operations you are interested in.
For example if you want to add custom logic when a document is saved you can do something like this:
public override bool OnBeforeSaveDocument(MarkdownDocument doc)
string file = doc.Filename;
string text = doc.CurrentText;
bool isValid = true;
// ...
// do something with the document
// You can use 'Model' to access Window, Configuration, Editor etc.
// ...
return isValid;
You can simply override the relevant methods and look at the active document.